I tried convincing my three year old to get out of the house and go for a walk with me, I now know why the term 'threenager' exists as I was shot down so hard I shed a tear. Bored and wanting to avoid the Disney tunes blaring from his bedroom, I walked around the house like a zombie figuring out what to do. EAT! Good ol' food you won't turn me down. Being a Sunday the cupboards were a tad empty (waiting for food shopping to be delivered the following day) so I decided to make the best of what was around - Mac and Cheese. But hmmm, I make Mac and Cheese all the damn time, how could I spice it up? Deep fry the shit out of it.
I use the Pioneer Women's recipe for Mac and Cheese. I've never had complaints with this recipe. I have it stored on the laptop and on my phone. I've even written it down and it's no doubt floating around somewhere.
2 cups of elbow macaroni
2 big tablespoons of butter
2 tablespoons of flour
1 1/4 cup of milk
salt, pepper and paprika to season
and as much cheese as you can handle
Boil up your water and cook your macaroni, drain and then chuck your butter into the same pot. When it has melted add in your flour and cook that bad boy out. Add your milk and cheese and season. Chuck the macaroni back in and ta-da! Step one is complete.
Step two - BACON. Chop into small pieces and fry the bacon. Add to macaroni.
Now the madness begins in step 3.
Pour onto a reasonably flat try and pop into the freezer. When they are frozen but not toooooooooo frozen bring them out and chop into your shape or you could shape into balls before freezing. Grab two bowls. In one whisk and egg and season. In the other combine breadcrumbs, paprika, salt + pepper. Grab your frozen M&C and dip in the egg before rolling in crumb mixture. You can either freeze or again or just chuck straight into the deep fryer.
I can't remember how long I cooked these as I was busy drooling the entire time. I served with a side plate of coleslaw and hot sauce, but these would be great with some fried chicken too.